$val) $$key=htmldecode($val); foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) $$key=htmldecode($val); foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) $$key=htmldecode($val); if (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //nao usa proxy else $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; //usa proxy $islinux = !(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'); $url_info = parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $doc_root = ($islinux) ? $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] : ucfirst($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]); $script_filename = $doc_root.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $path_info = pathinfo($script_filename); // +-------------------------------------------------- // | Config // +-------------------------------------------------- $cfg = new config(); $cfg->load(); ini_set("display_errors",1); ini_set("error_reporting",$error_reporting); if (!isset($dir_atual)){ $dir_atual = $path_info["dirname"]."/"; if (!$islinux) $dir_atual = ucfirst($dir_atual); @chmod($dir_atual,0777); } else $dir_atual = formatpath($dir_atual); $is_reachable = (stristr($dir_atual,$doc_root)!==false); // Auto Expand Local Path if (!isset($expanded_dir_list)){ $expanded_dir_list = ""; $mat = explode("/",$path_info["dirname"]); for ($x=0;$x$color){ $fm_color[$tag]=strtolower($color); } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | File Manager Actions // +-------------------------------------------------- if ($loggedon==$auth_pass){ switch ($frame){ case 1: break; // Empty Frame case 2: frame2(); break; case 3: frame3(); break; default: switch($action){ case 1: logout(); break; case 2: config_form(); break; case 3: download(); break; case 4: view(); break; case 5: server_info(); break; case 6: execute(); break; case 7: edit_file_form(); break; case 8: chmod_form(); break; case 9: shell_form(); break; case 10: upload_form(); break; default: frameset(); } } } else { if (isset($senha)) login(); else form_login(); } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | Config Class // +-------------------------------------------------- class config { var $data; var $filename; function config(){ global $script_filename; $this->data = array( 'lang'=>'en', 'auth_pass'=>md5(''), 'quota_mb'=>0, 'upload_ext_filter'=>array(), 'download_ext_filter'=>array(), 'error_reporting'=>'', 'fm_root'=>'', 'cookie_cache_time'=>time()+60*60*24*30, // 30 Dias 'version'=>'0.9.3' ); $data = false; $this->filename = $script_filename; if (file_exists($this->filename)){ $mat = file($this->filename); $objdata = trim(substr($mat[1],2)); if (strlen($objdata)) $data = unserialize($objdata); } if (is_array($data)&&count($data)==count($this->data)) $this->data = $data; else $this->save(); } function save(){ $objdata = "data).chr(13).chr(10); if (strlen($objdata)){ if (file_exists($this->filename)){ $mat = file($this->filename); if ($fh = @fopen($this->filename, "w")){ @fputs($fh,$objdata,strlen($objdata)); for ($x=2;$xdata as $key => $val) $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | Internationalization // +-------------------------------------------------- function et($tag){ global $lang; // English $en['Version'] = 'Version'; $en['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $en['FLRoot'] = 'File Manager Root'; $en['Name'] = 'Name'; $en['And'] = 'and'; $en['Enter'] = 'Enter'; $en['Send'] = 'Send'; $en['Refresh'] = 'Refresh'; $en['SaveConfig'] = 'Save Configurations'; $en['SavePass'] = 'Save Password'; $en['SaveFile'] = 'Save File'; $en['Save'] = 'Save'; $en['Leave'] = 'Leave'; $en['Edit'] = 'Edit'; $en['View'] = 'View'; $en['Config'] = 'Config'; $en['Ren'] = 'Rename'; $en['Rem'] = 'Delete'; $en['Compress'] = 'Compress'; $en['Decompress'] = 'Decompress'; $en['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolve IDs'; $en['Move'] = 'Move'; $en['Copy'] = 'Copy'; $en['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $en['CreateDir'] = 'Create Directory'; $en['CreateArq'] = 'Create File'; $en['ExecCmd'] = 'Execute Command'; $en['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $en['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload Finished'; $en['Perms'] = 'Permissions'; $en['Owner'] = 'Owner'; $en['Group'] = 'Group'; $en['Other'] = 'Other'; $en['Size'] = 'Size'; $en['Date'] = 'Date'; $en['Type'] = 'Type'; $en['Free'] = 'free'; $en['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $en['Read'] = 'Read'; $en['Write'] = 'Write'; $en['Exec'] = 'Execute'; $en['Apply'] = 'Apply'; $en['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $en['Pass'] = 'Password'; $en['Lang'] = 'Language'; $en['File'] = 'File'; $en['File_s'] = 'file(s)'; $en['Dir_s'] = 'directory(s)'; $en['To'] = 'to'; $en['Destination'] = 'Destination'; $en['Configurations'] = 'Configurations'; $en['JSError'] = 'JavaScript Error'; $en['NoSel'] = 'There are no selected itens'; $en['SelDir'] = 'Select the destination directory on the left tree'; $en['TypeDir'] = 'Enter the directory name'; $en['TypeArq'] = 'Enter the file name'; $en['TypeCmd'] = 'Enter the command'; $en['TypeArqComp'] = 'Enter the file name.\\nThe extension will define the compression type.\\nEx:\\nnome.zip\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $en['RemSel'] = 'DELETE selected itens'; $en['NoDestDir'] = 'There is no selected destination directory'; $en['DestEqOrig'] = 'Origin and destination directories are equal'; $en['InvalidDest'] = 'Destination directory is invalid'; $en['NoNewPerm'] = 'New permission not set'; $en['CopyTo'] = 'COPY to'; $en['MoveTo'] = 'MOVE to'; $en['AlterPermTo'] = 'CHANGE PERMISSIONS to'; $en['ConfExec'] = 'Confirm EXECUTE'; $en['ConfRem'] = 'Confirm DELETE'; $en['EmptyDir'] = 'Empty directory'; $en['IOError'] = 'I/O Error'; $en['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $en['TypePass'] = 'Enter the password'; $en['InvPass'] = 'Invalid Password'; $en['ReadDenied'] = 'Read Access Denied'; $en['FileNotFound'] = 'File not found'; $en['AutoClose'] = 'Close on Complete'; $en['OutDocRoot'] = 'File beyond DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $en['NoCmd'] = 'Error: Command not informed'; $en['ConfTrySave'] = 'File without write permisson.\\nTry to save anyway'; $en['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurations saved'; $en['PassSaved'] = 'Password saved'; $en['FileDirExists'] = 'File or directory already exists'; $en['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Function phpinfo disabled'; $en['NoReturn'] = 'no return'; $en['FileSent'] = 'File sent'; $en['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Space limit reached'; $en['InvExt'] = 'Invalid extension'; $en['FileNoOverw'] = 'File could not be overwritten'; $en['FileOverw'] = 'File overwritten'; $en['FileIgnored'] = 'File ignored'; $en['ChkVer'] = 'Check sf.net for new version'; $en['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'New version, click here to begin download!!'; $en['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'No new version available. :('; $en['ChkVerError'] = 'Connection Error.'; $en['Website'] = 'Website'; $en['SendingForm'] = 'Sending files, please wait'; $en['NoFileSel'] = 'No file selected'; $en['SelAll'] = 'All'; $en['SelNone'] = 'None'; $en['SelInverse'] = 'Inverse'; $en['Selected_s'] = 'selected'; $en['Total'] = 'total'; $en['Partition'] = 'Partition'; $en['RenderTime'] = 'Time to render this page'; $en['Seconds'] = 'sec'; $en['ErrorReport'] = 'Error Reporting'; // Portuguese $pt['Version'] = 'Versão'; $pt['DocRoot'] = 'Document Root'; $pt['FLRoot'] = 'File Manager Root'; $pt['Name'] = 'Nome'; $pt['And'] = 'e'; $pt['Enter'] = 'Entrar'; $pt['Send'] = 'Enviar'; $pt['Refresh'] = 'Atualizar'; $pt['SaveConfig'] = 'Salvar Configurações'; $pt['SavePass'] = 'Salvar Senha'; $pt['SaveFile'] = 'Salvar Arquivo'; $pt['Save'] = 'Salvar'; $pt['Leave'] = 'Sair'; $pt['Edit'] = 'Editar'; $pt['View'] = 'Visualizar'; $pt['Config'] = 'Config'; $pt['Ren'] = 'Renomear'; $pt['Rem'] = 'Apagar'; $pt['Compress'] = 'Compactar'; $pt['Decompress'] = 'Descompactar'; $pt['ResolveIDs'] = 'Resolver IDs'; $pt['Move'] = 'Mover'; $pt['Copy'] = 'Copiar'; $pt['ServerInfo'] = 'Server Info'; $pt['CreateDir'] = 'Criar Diretório'; $pt['CreateArq'] = 'Criar Arquivo'; $pt['ExecCmd'] = 'Executar Comando'; $pt['Upload'] = 'Upload'; $pt['UploadEnd'] = 'Upload Terminado'; $pt['Perms'] = 'Permissões'; $pt['Owner'] = 'Dono'; $pt['Group'] = 'Grupo'; $pt['Other'] = 'Outros'; $pt['Size'] = 'Tamanho'; $pt['Date'] = 'Data'; $pt['Type'] = 'Tipo'; $pt['Free'] = 'livre'; $pt['Shell'] = 'Shell'; $pt['Read'] = 'Ler'; $pt['Write'] = 'Escrever'; $pt['Exec'] = 'Executar'; $pt['Apply'] = 'Aplicar'; $pt['StickyBit'] = 'Sticky Bit'; $pt['Pass'] = 'Senha'; $pt['Lang'] = 'Idioma'; $pt['File'] = 'Arquivo'; $pt['File_s'] = 'arquivo(s)'; $pt['Dir_s'] = 'diretorio(s)'; $pt['To'] = 'para'; $pt['Destination'] = 'Destino'; $pt['Configurations'] = 'Configurações'; $pt['JSError'] = 'Erro de JavaScript'; $pt['NoSel'] = 'Não há itens selecionados'; $pt['SelDir'] = 'Selecione o diretório de destino na árvore a esquerda'; $pt['TypeDir'] = 'Digite o nome do diretório'; $pt['TypeArq'] = 'Digite o nome do arquivo'; $pt['TypeCmd'] = 'Digite o commando'; $pt['TypeArqComp'] = 'Digite o nome do arquivo.\\nA extensão determina o tipo de compactação.\\nEx:\\nnome.zip\\nnome.tar\\nnome.bzip\\nnome.gzip'; $pt['RemSel'] = 'APAGAR itens selecionados'; $pt['NoDestDir'] = 'Não há um diretório de destino selecionado'; $pt['DestEqOrig'] = 'Diretório de origem e destino iguais'; $pt['InvalidDest'] = 'Diretório de destino inválido'; $pt['NoNewPerm'] = 'Nova permissão não foi setada'; $pt['CopyTo'] = 'COPIAR para'; $pt['MoveTo'] = 'MOVER para'; $pt['AlterPermTo'] = 'ALTERAR PERMISSÕES para'; $pt['ConfExec'] = 'Confirma EXECUTAR'; $pt['ConfRem'] = 'Confirma APAGAR'; $pt['EmptyDir'] = 'Diretório vazio'; $pt['IOError'] = 'Erro de E/S'; $pt['FileMan'] = 'PHP File Manager'; $pt['TypePass'] = 'Digite a senha'; $pt['InvPass'] = 'Senha Inválida'; $pt['ReadDenied'] = 'Acesso de leitura negado'; $pt['FileNotFound'] = 'Arquivo não encontrado'; $pt['AutoClose'] = 'Fechar Automaticamente'; $pt['OutDocRoot'] = 'Arquivo fora do DOCUMENT_ROOT'; $pt['NoCmd'] = 'Erro: Comando não informado'; $pt['ConfTrySave'] = 'Arquivo sem permissão de escrita.\\nTentar salvar assim mesmo'; $pt['ConfSaved'] = 'Configurações salvas'; $pt['PassSaved'] = 'Senha salva'; $pt['FileDirExists'] = 'Arquivo ou diretório já existe'; $pt['NoPhpinfo'] = 'Função phpinfo desabilitada'; $pt['NoReturn'] = 'sem retorno'; $pt['FileSent'] = 'Arquivo enviado'; $pt['SpaceLimReached'] = 'Limite de espaço alcançado'; $pt['InvExt'] = 'Extensão inválida'; $pt['FileNoOverw'] = 'Arquivo não pode ser sobreescrito'; $pt['FileOverw'] = 'Arquivo sobreescrito'; $pt['FileIgnored'] = 'Arquivo omitido'; $pt['ChkVer'] = 'Verificar sf.net por nova versão'; $pt['ChkVerAvailable'] = 'Nova versão, clique aqui para iniciar download!!'; $pt['ChkVerNotAvailable'] = 'Não há nova versão disponível :('; $pt['ChkVerError'] = 'Erro de conexão.'; $pt['Website'] = 'Website'; $pt['SendingForm'] = 'Enviando arquivos, aguarde'; $pt['NoFileSel'] = 'Nenhum arquivo selecionado'; $pt['SelAll'] = 'Tudo'; $pt['SelNone'] = 'Nada'; $pt['SelInverse'] = 'Inverso'; $pt['Selected_s'] = 'selecionado(s)'; $pt['Total'] = 'total'; $pt['Partition'] = 'Partição'; $pt['RenderTime'] = 'Tempo para gerar esta página'; $pt['Seconds'] = 'seg'; $pt['ErrorReport'] = 'Error Reporting'; $lang_ = $$lang; if (isset($lang_[$tag])) return htmlencode($lang_[$tag]); else return "undefined"; } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | File System // +-------------------------------------------------- function total_size($arg) { $total = 0; if (file_exists($arg)) { if (is_dir($arg)) { $handle = opendir($arg); while($aux = readdir($handle)) { if ($aux != "." && $aux != "..") $total += total_size($arg."/".$aux); } closedir($handle); } else $total = filesize($arg); } return $total; } function total_delete($arg) { if (file_exists($arg)) { chmod($arg,0777); if (is_dir($arg)) { $handle = opendir($arg); while($aux = readdir($handle)) { if ($aux != "." && $aux != "..") total_delete($arg."/".$aux); } closedir($handle); rmdir($arg); } else unlink($arg); } } function total_copy($orig,$dest) { $ok = true; if (file_exists($orig)) { if (is_dir($orig)) { mkdir($dest,0777); $handle = opendir($orig); while(($aux = readdir($handle))&&($ok)) { if ($aux != "." && $aux != "..") $ok = total_copy($orig."/".$aux,$dest."/".$aux); } closedir($handle); } else $ok = copy((string)$orig,(string)$dest); } return $ok; } function total_move($orig,$dest) { // Just why doesn't it has a MOVE alias?! return rename((string)$orig,(string)$dest); } function download(){ global $dir_atual,$filename; $file = $dir_atual.$filename; if(file_exists($file)){ $is_proibido = false; foreach($download_ext_filter as $key=>$ext){ if (eregi($ext,$filename)){ $is_proibido = true; break; } } if (!$is_proibido){ $size = filesize($file); header("Content-Type: application/save"); header("Content-Length: $size"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); if ($fh = fopen("$file", "rb")){ fpassthru($fh); fclose($fh); } else alert(et('ReadDenied').": ".$file); } else alert(et('ReadDenied').": ".$file); } else alert(et('FileNotFound').": ".$file); } function execute(){ global $cmd; header("Content-type: text/plain"); if (strlen($cmd)){ echo "# ".$cmd."\n"; exec($cmd,$mat); if (count($mat)) echo trim(implode("\n",$mat)); else echo "exec(\"$cmd\") ".et('NoReturn')."..."; } else echo et('NoCmd'); } function save_upload($temp_file,$filename,$dir_dest) { global $upload_ext_filter; $filename = remove_acentos($filename); $file = $dir_dest.$filename; $filesize = filesize($temp_file); $is_proibido = false; foreach($upload_ext_filter as $key=>$ext){ if (eregi($ext,$filename)){ $is_proibido = true; break; } } if (!$is_proibido){ if (!limite($filesize)){ if (file_exists($file)){ if (unlink($file)){ if (copy($temp_file,$file)){ chmod($file,0777); $out = 6; } else $out = 2; } else $out = 5; } else { if (copy($temp_file,$file)){ chmod($file,0777); $out = 1; } else $out = 2; } } else $out = 3; } else $out = 4; return $out; } function zip_extract(){ global $cmd_arg,$dir_atual,$islinux; $zip = zip_open($dir_atual.$cmd_arg); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { if (zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)) { $complete_path = $path.dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); $complete_name = $path.zip_entry_name($zip_entry); if(!file_exists($complete_path)) { $tmp = ''; foreach(explode('/',$complete_path) AS $k) { $tmp .= $k.'/'; if(!file_exists($tmp)) { @mkdir($dir_atual.$tmp, 0777); } } } if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { if ($fd = fopen($dir_atual.$complete_name, 'w')){ fwrite($fd, zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry))); fclose($fd); } else echo "fopen($dir_atual.$complete_name) error
"; zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } else echo "zip_entry_open($zip,$zip_entry) error
"; } } zip_close($zip); } } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | Data Formating // +-------------------------------------------------- function htmlencode($str){ return htmlentities($str); } // html_entity_decode() replacement function html_entity_decode_for_php4_compatibility ($string) { $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl); $ret = strtr ($string, $trans_tbl); return preg_replace('/\&\#([0-9]+)\;/me', "chr('\\1')",$ret); } function htmldecode($str){ if (is_string($str)){ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) return stripslashes(html_entity_decode_for_php4_compatibility($str)); else return html_entity_decode($str); } else return $str; } function rep($x,$y){ if ($x) { $aux = ""; for ($a=1;$a<=$x;$a++) $aux .= $y; return $aux; } else return ""; } function strzero($arg1,$arg2){ if (strstr($arg1,"-") == false){ $aux = intval($arg2) - strlen($arg1); if ($aux) return rep($aux,"0").$arg1; else return $arg1; } else { return "[$arg1]"; } } function replace_double($sub,$str){ $out=str_replace($sub.$sub,$sub,$str); while ( strlen($out) != strlen($str) ){ $str=$out; $out=str_replace($sub.$sub,$sub,$str); } return $out; } function remove_acentos($str){ $str = trim($str); $str = strtr($str,"¥µÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ!@#%&*()[]{}+=?", "YuAAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyy_______________"); $str = str_replace("..","",str_replace("/","",str_replace("\\","",str_replace("\$","",$str)))); return $str; } function formatpath($str){ global $islinux; $str = trim($str); $str = str_replace("..","",str_replace("\\","/",str_replace("\$","",$str))); $done = false; while (!$done) { $str2 = str_replace("//","/",$str); if (strlen($str) == strlen($str2)) $done = true; else $str = $str2; } $tam = strlen($str); if ($tam){ $last_char = $tam - 1; if ($str[$last_char] != "/") $str .= "/"; if (!$islinux) $str = ucfirst($str); } return $str; } function array_csort() { $args = func_get_args(); $marray = array_shift($args); $msortline = "return(array_multisort("; foreach ($args as $arg) { $i++; if (is_string($arg)) { foreach ($marray as $row) { $sortarr[$i][] = $row[$arg]; } } else { $sortarr[$i] = $arg; } $msortline .= "\$sortarr[".$i."],"; } $msortline .= "\$marray));"; eval($msortline); return $marray; } function show_perms( $in_Perms ) { $sP = ""; if($in_Perms & 0x1000) $sP .= 'p'; // FIFO pipe elseif($in_Perms & 0x2000) $sP .= 'c'; // Character special elseif($in_Perms & 0x4000) $sP .= 'd'; // Directory elseif($in_Perms & 0x6000) $sP .= 'b'; // Block special elseif($in_Perms & 0x8000) $sP .= '−'; // Regular elseif($in_Perms & 0xA000) $sP .= 'l'; // Symbolic Link elseif($in_Perms & 0xC000) $sP .= 's'; // Socket else $sP .= 'u'; // UNKNOWN $sP .= ""; // owner - group - others $sP .= (($in_Perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '−') . (($in_Perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '−') . (($in_Perms & 0x0040) ? (($in_Perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($in_Perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '−')); $sP .= (($in_Perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '−') . (($in_Perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '−') . (($in_Perms & 0x0008) ? (($in_Perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($in_Perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '−')); $sP .= (($in_Perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '−') . (($in_Perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '−') . (($in_Perms & 0x0001) ? (($in_Perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($in_Perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '−')); return $sP; } function formatsize($arg) { if ($arg>0){ $j = 0; $ext = array(" bytes"," Kb"," Mb"," Gb"," Tb"); while ($arg >= pow(1024,$j)) ++$j; return round($arg / pow(1024,$j-1) * 100) / 100 . $ext[$j-1]; } else return "0 Mb"; } function getsize($file) { return formatsize(filesize($file)); } function limite($new_filesize=0) { global $fm_root_atual; global $quota_mb; if($quota_mb){ $total = total_size($fm_root_atual); if (floor(($total+$new_filesize)/(1024*1024)) > $quota_mb) return true; } return false; } function getuser ($arg) { global $mat_passwd; $aux = "x:".trim($arg).":"; for($x=0;$x ...:::: ".et('FileMan')." $plus "; } function reloadframe($ref,$frame_number,$plus=""){ global $dir_atual,$path_info; echo " "; } function alert($arg){ echo " "; } function tree($dir_antes,$dir_corrente,$indice){ global $fm_root_atual, $dir_atual, $islinux; global $expanded_dir_list; $indice++; $num_dir = 0; $dir_name = str_replace($dir_antes,"",$dir_corrente); $dir_corrente = str_replace("//","/",$dir_corrente); $is_proibido = false; if ($islinux) { $proibidos = "/proc#/dev"; $mat = explode("#",$proibidos); foreach($mat as $key => $val){ if ($dir_corrente == $val){ $is_proibido = true; break; } } unset($mat); } if (!$is_proibido){ if ($handle = @opendir($dir_corrente)){ // Permitido while ($file = readdir($handle)){ if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir("$dir_corrente/$file")) $mat_dir[] = $file; } closedir($handle); if (count($mat_dir)){ sort($mat_dir,SORT_STRING); // Com Sub-dir if ($indice != 0){ for ($aux=1;$aux<$indice;$aux++) echo "    "; echo "•"; } if ($dir_antes != $dir_corrente){ if (strstr($expanded_dir_list,":$dir_corrente/$dir_name")) $op_str = "[–]"; else $op_str = "[+]"; echo " $op_str $dir_name
\n"; } else { echo "$fm_root_atual
\n"; } for ($x=0;$x $dir_name
\n"; } else { echo " $fm_root_atual
\n"; } } } else { // Negado if ($dir_antes != $dir_corrente){ for ($aux=1;$aux<$indice;$aux++) echo "    "; echo "•"; echo " $dir_name
\n"; } else { echo " $fm_root_atual
\n"; } } } else { // Proibido if ($dir_antes != $dir_corrente){ for ($aux=1;$aux<$indice;$aux++) echo "    "; echo "•"; echo " $dir_name
\n"; } else { echo " $fm_root_atual
\n"; } } } function show_tree(){ global $fm_root_atual,$path_info,$setflag,$islinux; html_header(); echo "\n"; echo " "; echo "\n"; echo ""; //if (!$islinux) $aux=substr($fm_root_atual,0,strlen($fm_root_atual)-1); //else $aux=$fm_root_atual; echo ""; echo " "; echo "
"; if (!$islinux){ echo " "; } echo "
"; clearstatcache(); tree($aux,$aux,-1,0); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; } function getmicrotime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function dir_list_form() { global $fm_root_atual,$dir_atual,$quota_mb,$resolveIDs,$order_dir_list_by,$islinux,$cmd_name,$ip,$is_reachable,$path_info,$fm_color; $ti = getmicrotime(); clearstatcache(); $out = "\n"; if ($opdir = @opendir($dir_atual)) { $entry_count = 0; $file_count = 0; $dir_count = 0; $total_size = 0; $uplink = ""; $entry_list = array(); $highlight_cols = 0; while ($file = readdir($opdir)) { if (($file != ".")&&($file != "..")){ if (is_file($dir_atual.$file)){ $ext = strtolower(strrchr($file,".")); $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "file"; // Função filetype() returns only "file"... $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = filesize($dir_atual.$file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = getsize($dir_atual.$file); if (strstr($ext,".")){ $entry_list[$entry_count]["ext"] = $ext; $entry_list[$entry_count]["extt"] = $ext; } else { $entry_list[$entry_count]["ext"] = ""; $entry_list[$entry_count]["extt"] = " "; } $file_count++; } elseif (is_dir($dir_atual.$file)) { // Recursive directory size disabled // $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = total_size($dir_atual.$file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["sizet"] = 0; $entry_list[$entry_count]["type"] = "dir"; $dir_count++; } $entry_list[$entry_count]["name"] = $file; $entry_list[$entry_count]["date"] = date("Ymd", filemtime($dir_atual.$file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["time"] = date("his", filemtime($dir_atual.$file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["datet"] = date("d/m/Y h:i:s", filemtime($dir_atual.$file)); if ($islinux && $resolveIDs){ $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = show_perms(fileperms($dir_atual.$file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["u"] = getuser(fileowner($dir_atual.$file)); $entry_list[$entry_count]["g"] = getgroup(filegroup($dir_atual.$file)); } else { $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = base_convert(fileperms($dir_atual.$file),10,8); $entry_list[$entry_count]["p"] = substr($entry_list[$entry_count]["p"],strlen($entry_list[$entry_count]["p"])-3); $entry_list[$entry_count]["u"] = fileowner($dir_atual.$file); $entry_list[$entry_count]["g"] = filegroup($dir_atual.$file); } $total_size += $entry_list[$entry_count]["size"]; $entry_count++; } } closedir($opdir); if ($file_count) $highlight_cols = ($islinux)?7:5; else $highlight_cols = ($islinux)?6:4; if($entry_count){ $or1="1A"; $or2="2D"; $or3="3A"; $or4="4A"; $or5="5A"; $or6="6D"; $or7="7D"; switch($order_dir_list_by){ case "1A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or1="1D"; break; case "1D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC); $or1="1A"; break; case "2A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"p",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or2="2D"; break; case "2D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"p",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or2="2A"; break; case "3A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or3="3D"; break; case "3D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or3="3A"; break; case "4A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC); $or4="4D"; break; case "4D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"g",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"u",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC); $or4="4A"; break; case "5A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"size",SORT_NUMERIC,SORT_ASC); $or5="5D"; break; case "5D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"size",SORT_NUMERIC,SORT_DESC); $or5="5A"; break; case "6A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"date",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"time",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or6="6D"; break; case "6D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"date",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"time",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or6="6A"; break; case "7A": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"ext",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or7="7D"; break; case "7D": $entry_list = array_csort ($entry_list,"type",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC,"ext",SORT_STRING,SORT_DESC,"name",SORT_STRING,SORT_ASC); $or7="7A"; break; } } $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $dir_out=""; $file_out=""; foreach ($entry_list as $ind=>$dir_entry) { $file = $dir_entry["name"]; if ($dir_entry["type"]=="dir"){ $dir_out .= " "; } else { $file_out .= " "; } } $out .= $dir_out; if ($entry_count){ $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $out .= " "; if ($quota_mb) { $out .= " "; } else { $out .= " "; } $tf = getmicrotime(); $tt = ($tf - $ti); $out .= " "; $out .= " "; } else { $out .= " "; } } else $out .= "
$ip "; if ($dir_atual != $fm_root_atual){ $mat = explode("/",$dir_atual); $dir_antes = ""; for($x=0;$x<(count($mat)-2);$x++) $dir_antes .= $mat[$x]."/"; $uplink = "<< "; } if($entry_count){ $out .= "
$uplink $dir_atual
"; if ($islinux) $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $out .= "
$file ".$dir_entry["p"]; if ($islinux) $dir_out .= "".$dir_entry["u"]."".$dir_entry["g"]; $dir_out .= " ".$dir_entry["sizet"]." ".$dir_entry["datet"]; if ($file_count) $dir_out .= " "; // Opções de diretório if ( is_writable($dir_atual.$file) ) $dir_out .= " ".et('Rem')." ".et('Ren').""; $dir_out .= "
$file ".$dir_entry["p"]; if ($islinux) $file_out .= "".$dir_entry["u"]."".$dir_entry["g"]; $file_out .= " ".$dir_entry["sizet"]." ".$dir_entry["datet"]." ".$dir_entry["extt"]; // Opções de arquivo if ( is_writable($dir_atual.$file) ) $file_out .= " ".et('Rem')." ".et('Ren').""; if ( is_readable($dir_atual.$file) && (strpos(".wav#.mp3#.mid#.avi#.mov#.mpeg#.mpg#.rm#.iso#.bin#.img#.dll#.psd#.fla#.swf#.class#.ppt#.jpg#.gif#.png#.wmf#.eps#.bmp#.msi#.exe#.com#.rar#.tar#.zip#.bz2#.tbz2#.bz#.tbz#.bzip#.gzip#.gz#.tgz#", $dir_entry["ext"]."#" ) === false)) $file_out .= " ".et('Edit').""; if ( is_readable($dir_atual.$file) && strlen($dir_entry["ext"]) && (strpos(".tar#.zip#.bz2#.tbz2#.bz#.tbz#.bzip#.gzip#.gz#.tgz#", $dir_entry["ext"]."#" ) !== false)) $file_out .= " ".et('Decompress').""; if( $is_reachable && is_readable($dir_atual.$file) && (strpos(".txt#.sys#.bat#.ini#.conf#.swf#.php#.php3#.asp#.html#.htm#.jpg#.gif#.png#.bmp#", $dir_entry["ext"]."#" ) !== false)) $file_out .= " ".et('View').""; $file_out .= "
".et('Name')." ".et('Perms').""; if ($islinux) $out .= "".et('Owner')."".et('Group').""; $out .= " ".et('Size')." ".et('Date').""; if ($file_count) $out .= " ".et('Type').""; $out .= " "; } $out .= $file_out; $out .= "
"; if ($islinux) $out .= " "; $out .= " "; $out .= "
$dir_count ".et('Dir_s')." ".et('And')." $file_count ".et('File_s')." = ".formatsize($total_size)."
".et('Partition').": ".formatsize(($quota_mb*1024*1024))." ".et('Total')." - ".formatsize(($quota_mb*1024*1024)-total_size($fm_root_atual))." ".et('Free')."
".et('Partition').": ".formatsize(disk_total_space($dir_atual))." ".et('Total')." - ".formatsize(disk_free_space($fm_root_atual))." ".et('Free')."
".et('RenderTime').": ".substr($tt,0,strrpos($tt,".")+5)." ".et('Seconds')."
"; $out .= "
"; echo $out; } function upload_form(){ global $_FILES,$dir_atual,$dir_dest,$fechar,$quota_mb,$path_info; $num_uploads = 5; html_header(); echo ""; if (count($_FILES)==0){ echo "
".et('Destination').":$dir_atual"; for ($x=0;$x<$num_uploads;$x++){ echo "
".et('File').":"; $test_js .= "(document.upload_form.file$x.value.length>0)||"; } echo "
"; } else { $out = "".et('UploadEnd')." ".et('Destination').": $dir_dest"; for ($x=0;$x<$num_uploads;$x++){ $temp_file = $_FILES["file".$x]["tmp_name"]; $filename = $_FILES["file".$x]["name"]; if (strlen($filename)) $resul = save_upload($temp_file,$filename,$dir_dest); else $resul = 7; switch($resul){ case 1: $out .= "".strzero($x+1,3).". ".et('FileSent').":".$filename."\n"; break; case 2: $out .= "".et('IOError')."\n"; $x = $upload_num; break; case 3: $out .= "".et('SpaceLimReached')." ($quota_mb Mb)\n"; $x = $upload_num; break; case 4: $out .= "".strzero($x+1,3).". ".et('InvExt').":".$filename."\n"; break; case 5: $out .= "".strzero($x+1,3).". ".et('FileNoOverw')."".$filename."\n"; break; case 6: $out .= "".strzero($x+1,3).". ".et('FileOverw').":".$filename."\n"; break; case 7: $out .= "".strzero($x+1,3).". ".et('FileIgnored')."\n"; } } if ($fechar) { echo " "; } else { echo " $out
"; } } echo "\n"; } function chmod_form(){ $aux = " "; html_header($aux); echo "
".et('Owner')." ".et('Group')." ".et('Other')."
\n"; } function view(){ global $doc_root,$path_info,$url_info,$dir_atual,$islinux,$filename,$is_reachable; html_header(); echo " \n"; } function edit_file_form(){ global $dir_atual,$filename,$file_data,$save_file,$path_info; $file = $dir_atual.$filename; if ($save_file){ $fh=fopen($file,"w"); fputs($fh,$file_data,strlen($file_data)); fclose($fh); } $fh=fopen($file,"r"); $file_data=fread($fh, filesize($file)); fclose($fh); html_header(); echo "
\n"; } function config_form(){ global $cfg; global $dir_atual,$script_filename,$doc_root,$path_info,$fm_root_atual,$lang,$error_reporting,$version; global $config_action,$newsenha,$newlang,$newerror,$newfm_root; $Warning = ""; switch ($config_action){ case 1: if ($fh = fopen("http://phpfm.sf.net/latest.php","r")){ $data = ""; while (!feof($fh)) $data .= fread($fh,1024); fclose($fh); $data = unserialize($data); $ChkVerWarning = " "; if (is_array($data)&&count($data)){ // sf.net logo $ChkVerWarning .= "\"SourceForge.net"; if (str_replace(".","",$data['version'])>str_replace(".","",$cfg->data['version'])) $ChkVerWarning .= "".et('ChkVerAvailable').""; else $ChkVerWarning .= "".et('ChkVerNotAvailable').""; } else $ChkVerWarning .= "".et('ChkVerError').""; } else $ChkVerWarning .= "".et('ChkVerError').""; break; case 2: $reload = false; if ($cfg->data['lang'] != $newlang){ $cfg->data['lang'] = $newlang; $lang = $newlang; $reload = true; } if ($cfg->data['error_reporting'] != $newerror){ $cfg->data['error_reporting'] = $newerror; $error_reporting = $newerror; $reload = true; } $newfm_root = formatpath($newfm_root); if ($cfg->data['fm_root'] != $newfm_root){ $cfg->data['fm_root'] = $newfm_root; if (strlen($newfm_root)) $dir_atual = $newfm_root; else $dir_atual = $path_info["dirname"]."/"; setcookie("fm_root_atual", $newfm_root , 0 , "/"); $reload = true; } $cfg->save(); if ($reload){ reloadframe("window.opener.parent",2); reloadframe("window.opener.parent",3); } $Warning1 = et('ConfSaved')."..."; break; case 3: if ($cfg->data['auth_pass'] != md5($newsenha)){ $cfg->data['auth_pass'] = md5($newsenha); setcookie("loggedon", md5($newsenha) , 0 , "/"); } $cfg->save(); $Warning2 = et('PassSaved')."..."; break; } html_header(); echo "\n"; echo "
"; if (strlen($ChkVerWarning)) echo $ChkVerWarning.$data['warnings']; else echo ""; echo "
 "; echo "
".et('FLRoot').":data['fm_root']."\" onkeypress=\"enterSubmit(event,'test_config_form(2)')\">
 "; if (strlen($Warning1)) echo " $Warning1"; echo "
 "; if (strlen($Warning2)) echo " $Warning2"; echo "
"; echo "\n"; } function shell_form(){ global $dir_atual,$shell_form,$cmd_arg,$path_info; $data_out = ""; if (strlen($cmd_arg)){ exec($cmd_arg,$mat); if (count($mat)) $data_out = trim(implode("\n",$mat)); } switch ($shell_form){ case 1: html_header(); echo "
"; break; case 2: html_header(); echo " "; echo " "; echo "
"; break; default: $aux = " "; html_header($aux); echo " "; } } function server_info(){ if (!@phpinfo()) echo et('NoPhpinfo')."..."; echo "

"; $a=ini_get_all(); $output=""; while(list($key, $value)=each($a)) { list($k, $v)= each($a[$key]); $output.=""; } $output.="
"; echo $output; echo "

"; $safe_mode=trim(ini_get("safe_mode")); if ((strlen($safe_mode)==0)||($safe_mode==0)) $safe_mode=false; else $safe_mode=true; $is_windows_server = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'); echo "
".php_uname(); echo "
safe_mode".($safe_mode?"on":"off"); if ($is_windows_server) echo "
"; else echo "
"; echo "

"; $display_errors=ini_get("display_errors"); $ignore_user_abort = ignore_user_abort(); $max_execution_time = ini_get("max_execution_time"); $upload_max_filesize = ini_get("upload_max_filesize"); $memory_limit=ini_get("memory_limit"); $output_buffering=ini_get("output_buffering"); $default_socket_timeout=ini_get("default_socket_timeout"); $allow_url_fopen = ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); $magic_quotes_gpc = ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc"); ignore_user_abort(true); ini_set("display_errors",0); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); ini_set("upload_max_filesize","10M"); ini_set("memory_limit","20M"); ini_set("output_buffering",0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",30); ini_set("allow_url_fopen",1); ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc",0); echo "
 GetSetGet"; echo "
display_errors$display_errors0".ini_get("display_errors"); echo "
ignore_user_abort".($ignore_user_abort?"on":"off")."on".(ignore_user_abort()?"on":"off"); echo "
max_execution_time$max_execution_time0".ini_get("max_execution_time"); echo "
upload_max_filesize$upload_max_filesize10M".ini_get("upload_max_filesize"); echo "
memory_limit$memory_limit20M".ini_get("memory_limit"); echo "
output_buffering$output_buffering0".ini_get("output_buffering"); echo "
default_socket_timeout$default_socket_timeout30".ini_get("default_socket_timeout"); echo "
allow_url_fopen$allow_url_fopen1".ini_get("allow_url_fopen"); echo "
magic_quotes_gpc$magic_quotes_gpc0".ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc"); echo "

"; echo " "; echo "\n"; } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | Session // +-------------------------------------------------- function logout(){ setcookie("loggedon",0,0,"/"); form_login(); } function login(){ global $senha,$auth_pass,$path_info; if (md5(trim($senha)) == $auth_pass){ setcookie("loggedon",$auth_pass,0,"/"); header ("Location: ".$path_info["basename"].""); } else header ("Location: ".$path_info["basename"]."?erro=1"); } function form_login(){ global $erro,$auth_pass,$path_info; html_header(); echo "\n"; if ($auth_pass != md5("")){ echo " "; if (strlen($erro)) echo " "; echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; } echo "\n"; } function frame3(){ global $islinux,$cmd_arg,$chmod_arg,$zip_dir,$fm_root_atual; global $dir_dest,$dir_atual,$dir_antes; global $selected_file_list,$selected_dir_list,$old_name,$new_name; global $action,$or_by,$order_dir_list_by; if (!isset($order_dir_list_by)){ $order_dir_list_by = "1A"; setcookie("order_dir_list_by", $order_dir_list_by , $cookie_cache_time , "/"); } elseif (strlen($or_by)){ $order_dir_list_by = $or_by; setcookie("order_dir_list_by", $or_by , $cookie_cache_time , "/"); } html_header(); echo "\n"; if ($action){ switch ($action){ case 1: // create dir if (strlen($cmd_arg)){ $cmd_arg = formatpath($dir_atual.$cmd_arg); if (!file_exists($cmd_arg)){ mkdir($cmd_arg,0777); chmod($cmd_arg,0777); reloadframe("parent",2,"&ec_dir=".$cmd_arg); } else alert(et('FileDirExists')."."); } break; case 2: // create arq if (strlen($cmd_arg)){ $cmd_arg = $dir_atual.$cmd_arg; if (!file_exists($cmd_arg)){ if ($fh = @fopen($cmd_arg, "w")){ @fclose($fh); } chmod($cmd_arg,0666); } else alert(et('FileDirExists')."."); } break; case 3: // rename arq ou dir if ((strlen($old_name))&&(strlen($new_name))){ rename($dir_atual.$old_name,$dir_atual.$new_name); if (is_dir($dir_atual.$new_name)) reloadframe("parent",2); } break; case 4: // delete sel if(strstr($dir_atual,$fm_root_atual)){ if (strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>",$selected_file_list); if (count($selected_file_list)) { for($x=0;$x",$selected_dir_list); if (count($selected_dir_list)) { for($x=0;$x",$selected_file_list); if (count($selected_file_list)) { for($x=0;$x",$selected_dir_list); if (count($selected_dir_list)) { for($x=0;$x",$selected_file_list); if (count($selected_file_list)) { for($x=0;$x",$selected_dir_list); if (count($selected_dir_list)) { for($x=0;$xset_options(array('basedir'=>$dir_atual,'overwrite'=>1,'level'=>3)); if (strlen($selected_file_list)){ $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>",$selected_file_list); if (count($selected_file_list)) { for($x=0;$xadd_files($selected_file_list[$x]); } } } if (strlen($selected_dir_list)){ $selected_dir_list = explode("<|*|>",$selected_dir_list); if (count($selected_dir_list)) { for($x=0;$xadd_files($selected_dir_list[$x]); } } } $zipfile->create_archive(); } unset($zipfile); } break; case 72: // decompress arq if (strlen($cmd_arg)){ if (file_exists($dir_atual.$cmd_arg)){ $zipfile=false; if (strstr($cmd_arg,".zip")) zip_extract(); elseif (strstr($cmd_arg,".bzip")||strstr($cmd_arg,".bz2")||strstr($cmd_arg,".tbz2")||strstr($cmd_arg,".bz")||strstr($cmd_arg,".tbz")) $zipfile = new bzip_file($cmd_arg); elseif (strstr($cmd_arg,".gzip")||strstr($cmd_arg,".gz")||strstr($cmd_arg,".tgz")) $zipfile = new gzip_file($cmd_arg); elseif (strstr($cmd_arg,".tar")) $zipfile = new tar_file($cmd_arg); if ($zipfile){ $zipfile->set_options(array('basedir'=>$dir_atual,'overwrite'=>1)); $zipfile->extract_files(); } unset($zipfile); reloadframe("parent",2); } } break; case 8: // delete arq/dir if (strlen($cmd_arg)){ if (file_exists($dir_atual.$cmd_arg)) total_delete($dir_atual.$cmd_arg); if (is_dir($dir_atual.$cmd_arg)) reloadframe("parent",2); } break; case 9: // CHMOD if((strlen($chmod_arg) == 4)&&(strlen($dir_atual))){ if ($chmod_arg[0]=="1") $chmod_arg = "0".$chmod_arg; else $chmod_arg = "0".substr($chmod_arg,strlen($chmod_arg)-3); $new_mod = octdec($chmod_arg); $selected_file_list = explode("<|*|>",$selected_file_list); if (count($selected_file_list)) for($x=0;$x",$selected_dir_list); if (count($selected_dir_list)) for($x=0;$x\n"; } function frame2(){ global $expanded_dir_list,$ec_dir; if (!isset($expanded_dir_list)) $expanded_dir_list = ""; if (strlen($ec_dir)){ if (strstr($expanded_dir_list,":".$ec_dir)) $expanded_dir_list = str_replace(":".$ec_dir,"",$expanded_dir_list); else $expanded_dir_list .= ":".$ec_dir; setcookie("expanded_dir_list", $expanded_dir_list , 0 , "/"); } show_tree(); } function frameset(){ global $path_info; html_header(); echo " "; echo ""; } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | Open Source Contributions // +-------------------------------------------------- /*------------------------------------------------- | TAR/GZIP/BZIP2/ZIP ARCHIVE CLASSES 2.0 | By Devin Doucette | Copyright (c) 2004 Devin Doucette | Email: darksnoopy@shaw.ca +-------------------------------------------------- | Email bugs/suggestions to darksnoopy@shaw.ca +-------------------------------------------------- | This script has been created and released under | the GNU GPL and is free to use and redistribute | only if this copyright statement is not removed +-------------------------------------------------- | Limitations: | - Only USTAR archives are officially supported for extraction, but others may work. | - Extraction of bzip2 and gzip archives is limited to compatible tar files that have | been compressed by either bzip2 or gzip. For greater support, use the functions | bzopen and gzopen respectively for bzip2 and gzip extraction. | - Zip extraction is not supported due to the wide variety of algorithms that may be | used for compression and newer features such as encryption. +-------------------------------------------------- */ class archive { function archive($name) { $this->options = array( 'basedir'=>".", 'name'=>$name, 'prepend'=>"", 'inmemory'=>0, 'overwrite'=>0, 'recurse'=>1, 'storepaths'=>1, 'level'=>3, 'method'=>1, 'sfx'=>"", 'type'=>"", 'comment'=>"" ); $this->files = array(); $this->exclude = array(); $this->storeonly = array(); $this->error = array(); } function set_options($options) { foreach($options as $key => $value) { $this->options[$key] = $value; } if(!empty($this->options['basedir'])) { $this->options['basedir'] = str_replace("\\","/",$this->options['basedir']); $this->options['basedir'] = preg_replace("/\/+/","/",$this->options['basedir']); $this->options['basedir'] = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$this->options['basedir']); } if(!empty($this->options['name'])) { $this->options['name'] = str_replace("\\","/",$this->options['name']); $this->options['name'] = preg_replace("/\/+/","/",$this->options['name']); } if(!empty($this->options['prepend'])) { $this->options['prepend'] = str_replace("\\","/",$this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/^(\.*\/+)+/","",$this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/\/+/","/",$this->options['prepend']); $this->options['prepend'] = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$this->options['prepend']) . "/"; } } function create_archive() { $this->make_list(); if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($this->options['overwrite'] == 0 && file_exists($this->options['name'] . ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip"? ".tmp" : ""))) { $this->error[] = "File {$this->options['name']} already exists."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } else if($this->archive = @fopen($this->options['name'] . ($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip"? ".tmp" : ""),"wb+")) { chdir($pwd); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else { $this->archive = ""; } switch($this->options['type']) { case "zip": if(!$this->create_zip()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create zip file."; return 0; } break; case "bzip": if(!$this->create_tar()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } if(!$this->create_bzip()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create bzip2 file."; return 0; } break; case "gzip": if(!$this->create_tar()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } if(!$this->create_gzip()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create gzip file."; return 0; } break; case "tar": if(!$this->create_tar()) { $this->error[] = "Could not create tar file."; return 0; } } if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { fclose($this->archive); chmod($this->options['name'],0666); if($this->options['type'] == "gzip" || $this->options['type'] == "bzip") { unlink($this->options['basedir'] . "/" . $this->options['name'] . ".tmp"); } } } function add_data($data) { if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { fwrite($this->archive,$data); } else { $this->archive .= $data; } } function make_list() { if(!empty($this->exclude)) { foreach($this->files as $key => $value) { foreach($this->exclude as $current) { if($value['name'] == $current['name']) { unset($this->files[$key]); } } } } if(!empty($this->storeonly)) { foreach($this->files as $key => $value) { foreach($this->storeonly as $current) { if($value['name'] == $current['name']) { $this->files[$key]['method'] = 0; } } } } unset($this->exclude,$this->storeonly); } function add_files($list) { $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach($temp as $current) { $this->files[] = $current; } } function exclude_files($list) { $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach($temp as $current) { $this->exclude[] = $current; } } function store_files($list) { $temp = $this->list_files($list); foreach($temp as $current) { $this->storeonly[] = $current; } } function list_files($list) { if(!is_array($list)) { $temp = $list; $list = array($temp); unset($temp); } $files = array(); $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach($list as $current) { $current = str_replace("\\","/",$current); $current = preg_replace("/\/+/","/",$current); $current = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$current); if(strstr($current,"*")) { $regex = preg_replace("/([\\\^\$\.\[\]\|\(\)\?\+\{\}\/])/","\\\\\\1",$current); $regex = str_replace("*",".*",$regex); $dir = strstr($current,"/")? substr($current,0,strrpos($current,"/")) : "."; $temp = $this->parse_dir($dir); foreach($temp as $current2) { if(preg_match("/^{$regex}$/i",$current2['name'])) { $files[] = $current2; } } unset($regex,$dir,$temp,$current); } else if(@is_dir($current)) { $temp = $this->parse_dir($current); foreach($temp as $file) { $files[] = $file; } unset($temp,$file); } else if(@file_exists($current)) { $files[] = array('name'=>$current,'name2'=>$this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/","",($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($current,"/"))? substr($current,strrpos($current,"/") + 1) : $current),'type'=>0, 'ext'=>substr($current,strrpos($current,".")),'stat'=>stat($current)); } } chdir($pwd); unset($current,$pwd); usort($files,array("archive","sort_files")); return $files; } function parse_dir($dirname) { if($this->options['storepaths'] == 1 && !preg_match("/^(\.+\/*)+$/",$dirname)) { $files = array(array('name'=>$dirname,'name2'=>$this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/","",($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($dirname,"/"))? substr($dirname,strrpos($dirname,"/") + 1) : $dirname),'type'=>5,'stat'=>stat($dirname))); } else { $files = array(); } $dir = @opendir($dirname); while($file = @readdir($dir)) { if($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; } else if(@is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) { if(empty($this->options['recurse'])) { continue; } $temp = $this->parse_dir($dirname."/".$file); foreach($temp as $file2) { $files[] = $file2; } } else if(@file_exists($dirname."/".$file)) { $files[] = array('name'=>$dirname."/".$file,'name2'=>$this->options['prepend'] . preg_replace("/(\.+\/+)+/","",($this->options['storepaths'] == 0 && strstr($dirname."/".$file,"/"))? substr($dirname."/".$file,strrpos($dirname."/".$file,"/") + 1) : $dirname."/".$file),'type'=>0, 'ext'=>substr($file,strrpos($file,".")),'stat'=>stat($dirname."/".$file)); } } @closedir($dir); return $files; } function sort_files($a,$b) { if($a['type'] != $b['type']) { return $a['type'] > $b['type']? -1 : 1; } else if($a['type'] == 5) { return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']),strtolower($b['name'])); } else { if($a['ext'] != $b['ext']) { return strcmp($a['ext'],$b['ext']); } else if($a['stat'][7] != $b['stat'][7]) { return $a['stat'][7] > $b['stat'][7]? -1 : 1; } else { return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']),strtolower($b['name'])); } } return 0; } function download_file() { if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $this->error[] = "Can only use download_file() if archive is in memory. Redirect to file otherwise, it is faster."; return; } switch($this->options['type']) { case "zip": header("Content-type:application/zip"); break; case "bzip": header("Content-type:application/x-compressed"); break; case "gzip": header("Content-type:application/x-compressed"); break; case "tar": header("Content-type:application/x-tar"); } $header = "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\""; $header .= strstr($this->options['name'],"/")? substr($this->options['name'],strrpos($this->options['name'],"/") + 1) : $this->options['name']; $header .= "\""; header($header); header("Content-length: " . strlen($this->archive)); header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary"); header("Cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); print($this->archive); } } class tar_file extends archive { function tar_file($name) { $this->archive($name); $this->options['type'] = "tar"; } function create_tar() { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach($this->files as $current) { if($current['name'] == $this->options['name']) { continue; } if(strlen($current['name2']) > 99) { $path = substr($current['name2'],0,strpos($current['name2'],"/",strlen($current['name2']) - 100) + 1); $current['name2'] = substr($current['name2'],strlen($path)); if(strlen($path) > 154 || strlen($current['name2']) > 99) { $this->error[] = "Could not add {$path}{$current['name2']} to archive because the filename is too long."; continue; } } $block = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12a8a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12",$current['name2'],decoct($current['stat'][2]), sprintf("%6s ",decoct($current['stat'][4])),sprintf("%6s ",decoct($current['stat'][5])), sprintf("%11s ",decoct($current['stat'][7])),sprintf("%11s ",decoct($current['stat'][9])), " ",$current['type'],"","ustar","00","Unknown","Unknown","","",!empty($path)? $path : "",""); $checksum = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) { $checksum += ord(substr($block,$i,1)); } $checksum = pack("a8",sprintf("%6s ",decoct($checksum))); $block = substr_replace($block,$checksum,148,8); if($current['stat'][7] == 0) { $this->add_data($block); } else if($fp = @fopen($current['name'],"rb")) { $this->add_data($block); while($temp = fread($fp,1048576)) { $this->add_data($temp); } if($current['stat'][7] % 512 > 0) { $temp = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 512 - $current['stat'][7] % 512; $i++) { $temp .= "\0"; } $this->add_data($temp); } fclose($fp); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$current['name']} for reading. It was not added."; } } $this->add_data(pack("a512","")); chdir($pwd); return 1; } function extract_files() { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($fp = $this->open_archive()) { if($this->options['inmemory'] == 1) { $this->files = array(); } while($block = fread($fp,512)) { $temp = unpack("a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100temp/a6magic/a2temp/a32temp/a32temp/a8temp/a8temp/a155prefix/a12temp",$block); $file = array( 'name'=>$temp['prefix'] . $temp['name'], 'stat'=>array( 2=>$temp['mode'], 4=>octdec($temp['uid']), 5=>octdec($temp['gid']), 7=>octdec($temp['size']), 9=>octdec($temp['mtime']), ), 'checksum'=>octdec($temp['checksum']), 'type'=>$temp['type'], 'magic'=>$temp['magic'], ); if($file['checksum'] == 0x00000000) { break; } else if($file['magic'] != "ustar") { $this->error[] = "This script does not support extracting this type of tar file."; break; } $block = substr_replace($block," ",148,8); $checksum = 0; for($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) { $checksum += ord(substr($block,$i,1)); } if($file['checksum'] != $checksum) { $this->error[] = "Could not extract from {$this->options['name']}, it is corrupt."; } if($this->options['inmemory'] == 1) { $file['data'] = fread($fp,$file['stat'][7]); fread($fp,(512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512) == 512? 0 : (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512)); unset($file['checksum'],$file['magic']); $this->files[] = $file; } else { if($file['type'] == 5) { if(!is_dir($file['name'])) { mkdir($file['name'],0777); //mkdir($file['name'],$file['stat'][2]); //chown($file['name'],$file['stat'][4]); //chgrp($file['name'],$file['stat'][5]); } } else if($this->options['overwrite'] == 0 && file_exists($file['name'])) { $this->error[] = "{$file['name']} already exists."; } else if($new = @fopen($file['name'],"wb")) { fwrite($new,fread($fp,$file['stat'][7])); fread($fp,(512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512) == 512? 0 : (512 - $file['stat'][7] % 512)); fclose($new); chmod($file['name'],0666); //chmod($file['name'],$file['stat'][2]); //chown($file['name'],$file['stat'][4]); //chgrp($file['name'],$file['stat'][5]); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$file['name']} for writing."; } } unset($file); } } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$this->options['name']}"; } chdir($pwd); } function open_archive() { return @fopen($this->options['name'],"rb"); } } class gzip_file extends tar_file { function gzip_file($name) { $this->tar_file($name); $this->options['type'] = "gzip"; } function create_gzip() { if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($fp = gzopen($this->options['name'],"wb{$this->options['level']}")) { fseek($this->archive,0); while($temp = fread($this->archive,1048576)) { gzwrite($fp,$temp); } gzclose($fp); chdir($pwd); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else { $this->archive = gzencode($this->archive,$this->options['level']); } return 1; } function open_archive() { return @gzopen($this->options['name'],"rb"); } } class bzip_file extends tar_file { function bzip_file($name) { $this->tar_file($name); $this->options['type'] = "bzip"; } function create_bzip() { if($this->options['inmemory'] == 0) { $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); if($fp = bzopen($this->options['name'],"wb")) { fseek($this->archive,0); while($temp = fread($this->archive,1048576)) { bzwrite($fp,$temp); } bzclose($fp); chdir($pwd); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open {$this->options['name']} for writing."; chdir($pwd); return 0; } } else { $this->archive = bzcompress($this->archive,$this->options['level']); } return 1; } function open_archive() { return @bzopen($this->options['name'],"rb"); } } class zip_file extends archive { function zip_file($name) { $this->archive($name); $this->options['type'] = "zip"; } function create_zip() { $files = 0; $offset = 0; $central = ""; if(!empty($this->options['sfx'])) { if($fp = @fopen($this->options['sfx'],"rb")) { $temp = fread($fp,filesize($this->options['sfx'])); fclose($fp); $this->add_data($temp); $offset += strlen($temp); unset($temp); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open sfx module from {$this->options['sfx']}."; } } $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($this->options['basedir']); foreach($this->files as $current) { if($current['name'] == $this->options['name']) { continue; } $translate = array('Ç'=>pack("C",128),'ü'=>pack("C",129),'é'=>pack("C",130),'â'=>pack("C",131),'ä'=>pack("C",132), 'à'=>pack("C",133),'å'=>pack("C",134),'ç'=>pack("C",135),'ê'=>pack("C",136),'ë'=>pack("C",137), 'è'=>pack("C",138),'ï'=>pack("C",139),'î'=>pack("C",140),'ì'=>pack("C",141),'Ä'=>pack("C",142), 'Å'=>pack("C",143),'É'=>pack("C",144),'æ'=>pack("C",145),'Æ'=>pack("C",146),'ô'=>pack("C",147), 'ö'=>pack("C",148),'ò'=>pack("C",149),'û'=>pack("C",150),'ù'=>pack("C",151),'_'=>pack("C",152), 'Ö'=>pack("C",153),'Ü'=>pack("C",154),'£'=>pack("C",156),'¥'=>pack("C",157),'_'=>pack("C",158), 'ƒ'=>pack("C",159),'á'=>pack("C",160),'í'=>pack("C",161),'ó'=>pack("C",162),'ú'=>pack("C",163), 'ñ'=>pack("C",164),'Ñ'=>pack("C",165)); $current['name2'] = strtr($current['name2'],$translate); $timedate = explode(" ",date("Y n j G i s",$current['stat'][9])); $timedate = ($timedate[0] - 1980 << 25) | ($timedate[1] << 21) | ($timedate[2] << 16) | ($timedate[3] << 11) | ($timedate[4] << 5) | ($timedate[5]); $block = pack("VvvvV",0x04034b50,0x000A,0x0000,(isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0)? 0x0000 : 0x0008,$timedate); if($current['stat'][7] == 0 && $current['type'] == 5) { $block .= pack("VVVvv",0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,strlen($current['name2']) + 1,0x0000); $block .= $current['name2'] . "/"; $this->add_data($block); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV",0x02014b50,0x0014,$this->options['method'] == 0? 0x0000 : 0x000A,0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0)? 0x0000 : 0x0008,$timedate, 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,strlen($current['name2']) + 1,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,$current['type'] == 5? 0x00000010 : 0x00000000,$offset); $central .= $current['name2'] . "/"; $files++; $offset += (31 + strlen($current['name2'])); } else if($current['stat'][7] == 0) { $block .= pack("VVVvv",0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,strlen($current['name2']),0x0000); $block .= $current['name2']; $this->add_data($block); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV",0x02014b50,0x0014,$this->options['method'] == 0? 0x0000 : 0x000A,0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0)? 0x0000 : 0x0008,$timedate, 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,strlen($current['name2']),0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,$current['type'] == 5? 0x00000010 : 0x00000000,$offset); $central .= $current['name2']; $files++; $offset += (30 + strlen($current['name2'])); } else if($fp = @fopen($current['name'],"rb")) { $temp = fread($fp,$current['stat'][7]); fclose($fp); $crc32 = crc32($temp); if(!isset($current['method']) && $this->options['method'] == 1) { $temp = gzcompress($temp,$this->options['level']); $size = strlen($temp) - 6; $temp = substr($temp,2,$size); } else { $size = strlen($temp); } $block .= pack("VVVvv",$crc32,$size,$current['stat'][7],strlen($current['name2']),0x0000); $block .= $current['name2']; $this->add_data($block); $this->add_data($temp); unset($temp); $central .= pack("VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVV",0x02014b50,0x0014,$this->options['method'] == 0? 0x0000 : 0x000A,0x0000, (isset($current['method']) || $this->options['method'] == 0)? 0x0000 : 0x0008,$timedate, $crc32,$size,$current['stat'][7],strlen($current['name2']),0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x00000000,$offset); $central .= $current['name2']; $files++; $offset += (30 + strlen($current['name2']) + $size); } else { $this->error[] = "Could not open file {$current['name']} for reading. It was not added."; } } $this->add_data($central); $this->add_data(pack("VvvvvVVv",0x06054b50,0x0000,0x0000,$files,$files,strlen($central),$offset, !empty($this->options['comment'])? strlen($this->options['comment']) : 0x0000)); if(!empty($this->options['comment'])) { $this->add_data($this->options['comment']); } chdir($pwd); return 1; } } // +-------------------------------------------------- // | THE END // +-------------------------------------------------- ?>